• Be honest. Admit it if you do not know something.
  • For younger children: reassure them that the adults around them are working hard to keep them safe.
  • For older children: reassure them that they can take actions to keep themselves and their families safe.
  • Teach and practice things that are within their control that they can do to keep safe, like washing their hands, staying away from other people, not touching their face, and “catching” coughs in their elbows!


  • Encourage kids to talk to you about how they are feeling, especially if they are worried.
  • Acknowledge their feelings to help them understand that it is normal and expected for them to be worried about this.
  • Try to keep things as predictable as possible. Stick to a routine, including school work, movement breaks, free time, family time, and normal activities like meals, bath, and bed. Someone from your Firstchance team can help you to make a visual schedule!
  • Help kids create a journal to write or draw about what they are feeling, experiencing, and doing at home. They are a part of history and this will be great for them to look back on later.
  • Eat well, get a good night’s sleep, and move about often.
  • Focus on the good things that are happening and celebrate even the smallest wins! Each day pick three things for which you are grateful and encourage kids to do the same.


  • Watch or listen to the news on the tv or radio when kids are around. Wait to check the news until after they are asleep.
  • Get overwhelmed about schoolwork. It is important to do, but do not do so much that you or your child feel stressed. It is most important that they feel safe and calm at this time; they need time to play and quality time with adults in the house to do this.


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