What does Transdisciplinary Interventions mean? Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Intervention Supports- Is a collaborative team approach where Firstchance Specialist Educators, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Family Worker, Psychologists and Developmental Support Workers share the responsibility in providing supports to your child and family. These services are provided through a Key Worker with additional supports as required. These services are provided in the home, community or educational setting. Supports are to assist your child to gain skills and improve their independence in functional areas of their day to day life such as: language and communication, sensory, mobility and movement, toileting, holding a pencil or knife and fork, getting dressed, emotional regulation, playing with friends, sleeping etc. Therapeutic supports are available from our highly skilled staff who all have experience in working with children with a disability or developmental concern. See Our Approach for more information. Therapy and assessment sessions can take place in your home, in your community, at your child’s educational setting, at our service and/or a combination of all of these Manage Cookie Preferences